Harvard Business Review had a short article that a company implements change every day and not only when a project is launched. This is true, it is only the scale that differs. That is why you need an effective elevator pitch. To remind everyone of the change and to be able to share your vision with new stakeholders.

What is an Elevator Pitch?
For the change to stick, you need a good elevator speech. Some believe that the term elevator pitch originated in Hollywood where screenwriters would catch an unsuspecting movie executive in the elevator and give them their pitch for the next great film. It is a clear and simple explanation of a concept that any listener can understand and generally takes 30-60 seconds.  The objective is to create enough trust and connection with your listener that they are either satisfied with your explanation or engaged and curious enough to ask for more information. In change management terms, this is a short speech that connects the change management process to what the listener cares about (specific to your audience) combined with the benefits of managing the people side of change.

Seven basic components to an elevator pitch for change

For the change to be successful, your change champions must be able to finish the following six sentences clearly and consistently:

  1. Our change is about…
  2. Our change plan is to…
  3. Successful change will look like…
  4. The benefits of the change to you, your team, and the organisation are…
  5. The change is important and urgent because…
  6. What we need from you during the change is…
  7. …will be most affected by the changes.

The Bottom Line

From the elevator speech, you need to be able to the key points for further discussions. The change management elevator pitch is intended to positively influence the outcome of your change project. You are on the right path when your key stakeholders can finish the above seven sentences in such a way that it aligns with your vision.

Change is possible. Individuals make real changes every day. As a result, organizations shift gears and become increasingly successful. Your communication strategy can play a vital role in enabling transformation and lasting impact.

#changemanagement # change #change communication

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