“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” — Benjamin Franklin.

Wise words from a wise man that is still relevant today. Change is something that is constantly happening in your organisation. The success of the change is whether you embrace the change or sabotage the process. There can be four consequences when organisations do not plan for change

  1. Employee self-esteem 
    If the employees are not sufficiently prepared for the change, it is a strain on employee morale. This can lead to frustration, burnout, and unwanted turnover.
  2. Cost 
    When there is a lack of planning, it can progress on any change effort. This results in schedules being impacted and in the end in significant increases to project costs.
  3. Inefficient and ineffective  
    When leaders do not engage in change management at the start of a project, this often undermines any intended benefits in efficiency and effectiveness. This can result in a lack of awareness, lack of training, and lack of resources. In turn, this impacts the outcomes. The impact can be alleviated with detailed planning from the start of the project.
  4. Slow implementation 
    When the employees are not sufficiently prepared for the change, it will impact the time it takes them to adapt to the changes and start with the implementation. This links back to cost, and efficiency and impacts the outcome.

When an organisation plans the change well, it will lead to increased effectiveness and productivity. Proper change management facilitates the achievement of the organisation’s goals and mission. It further facilitates improved individual and group morale and there is an overall sense of cohesion and well-being.

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